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What Resolution Can the Human Eye See?


We often convince ourselves that we “need” the newest and greatest camera or the iPhone that was just released with the most amazing and never heard of a high-resolution camera. This is all great, but have you ever pondered the question, “what resolution can the human eye see”? Are all these impressive new cameras really a need? Can our eyes see these high-resolution screens that have been created, or has technology surpassed what our eyes can even view?

Why You Can’t Measure Human Vision with Resolution


When we talk about image resolution, we are talking about the detail an image holds. The higher the resolution, the more detailed it is. 

The problem with measuring our vision in terms of resolution is that it doesn’t quite translate the same. To begin with, we don’t see like a camera does, taking several “pictures” in our brain and saving them to create a full picture. Instead, we scan a room and look around, constantly taking clues from our surroundings to make a complete image. As a result, our vision is more like a visual “experience” or video stream, not quick snapshots. So measuring our vision by the resolution is just way too simple.

Can the Human Eyes See 4K and Above?


Technology is improving at a fantastic rate. Unfortunately, as soon as you buy your fancy new television or computer, it’s out of date before you can even get it home. In seeing more and more 4K screens being marketed, you might be asking yourself if it’s worth the extra cost. Will you even notice the difference between your current television and a 4K? Can your eye pick up the extra pixels? The problem with this question is that our eyes do not see in pixels. Because of this, it’s hard to compare. 

Distance is another important factor to consider. Think about looking at a handful of tiny pebbles. At a distance, it becomes difficult to see every single one. Up close, you can see every stone but also all the characteristics of each pebble. This is the same with 4K and above television screens. To fully appreciate the resolution that it offers, you would need to be sitting about a foot away to get the full impact. We’ll let you decide if it’s worth it!

Properly Measuring Human Vision – Visual Acuity


Correctly measuring visual acuity in the human eye is measuring the ability of the eye to see shapes and distinguish details of objects at a certain distance with precision. Many visual anomalies can be corrected through glasses, contacts, or surgery. 

Keeping track of your visual acuity on a regular basis is an integral part of establishing healthy vision habits. Suppose your vision is suddenly different or certain patterns are recognized. In that case, visual conditions can be diagnosed and treated accordingly, sometimes saving your vision or assisting in the identification of other health concerns. 

If you have ever wondered about what resolution the human eye can see or had concerns about the condition of your eyes and vision, call to make an appointment for an eye exam today. We look forward to talking with you.

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