What is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)?
Did you know that looking at a screen for too long can have an impact on your eyesight? If you are spending many hours a day in front of a computer, then it might be time to talk to an optometrist about Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as Digital Eye Strain. These vision-related problems can result from prolonged periods of looking at a computer, cell phone, e-reader, tablet, TV, and more.
Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome
Most people find that the symptoms increase with the amount of time that is spent in front of a screen. Common symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Eyestrain
- Blurred Vision
- Difficulty Focusing the Eyes
- Shoulder and Neck Pain
- Dry Eyes
- Red Eyes
- Eye Fatigue
- Double Vision
- Eye Twitching
Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome
Focusing on printed material isn’t a problem because the dense characters have edges that are well-defined. But, computer screen characters are created with pixels, which means that they don’t have the same definition or contrast. As a result, the eyes can have problems when viewing a screen.
These symptoms can get worse based on the environment and screen type that you are using. Symptoms might worsen due to poor lighting, screen glare, improper distance for viewing, and poor posture. Often, a combination of these factors intensifies the symptoms.
Also, uncorrected vision problems can aggravate the symptoms of CSV. If you haven’t had an eye exam recently, then it is recommended that you schedule an appointment to see if a prescription adjustment is needed. Treating common eye issues such as astigmatism, eye coordination, farsightedness, and presbyopia might help to reduce the symptoms of CVS.
Prevention and Treatment for CVS
Prevention is the best solution to avoid the risk of CVS symptoms. Follow these tips to avoid the discomfort that occurs with Computer Vision Syndrome:
- Blue light filtering anti-reflective coatings
- Increase the lighting in the room
- Control the glare on the screen
- Establish the right working distances