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When you notice symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes, then there’s a good chance that you are suffering from seasonal allergies. These symptoms can ebb and flow throughout the year, depending on the pollen levels and other allergens in the air.

While seasonal allergies can be uncomfortable, they usually aren’t a danger to your vision. But it’s possible for untreated symptoms to lead to complications. For example, suppose you are rubbing your eyes frequently throughout the day because of the itching sensation. In that case, you could be increasing the risk of introducing an infection to your eyes from your unwashed hands.

Even if your allergy symptoms are minor, it can be helpful to be proactive about managing the symptoms to reduce your discomfort throughout the day. You might be surprised to learn how much eye allergy symptoms are impacting your daily schedule!

Allergic Responses: How the Eyes are Affected

Seasonal allergies occur because of the allergens that are present in the air. Whether you are spending time outside when the pollen count is high or you’ve kicked up a bunch of dust cleaning out the storage room – these airborne particles can lead to irritation and discomfort. Allergies often cause the eyes to be red, itchy, swollen, and watery.

When these symptoms are occurring, then it means that your eyes have come in contact with airborne allergens. The lining of the eye is irritated. The immune system responds by sending antibodies, which causes a release of histamine and results in seasonal allergy symptoms.

The best way to reduce these symptoms is by eliminating your exposure to the allergies that are triggering your allergic response. Other treatments can also be helpful in minimizing the symptoms you are experiencing.

Treatment Options for Seasonal Allergies

Treatment for seasonal allergies falls into two categories: at-home strategies for prevention and medical interventions. Try these home remedies to find relief from your allergy symptoms:

  • Wash your face to remove allergens present on your skin and eyelashes
  • Rinse the eyes with lukewarm water to flush the allergens out
  • Place a cold compress on the eyes (such as a damp washcloth) to reduce swelling
  • Use eye allergy drops
  • Reduce exposure to known allergens by staying inside on high-pollen days

When your symptoms persist while using these at-home remedies, then it’s time to talk to an eye doctor about your seasonal allergies. Not only can we help to reduce the acute symptoms you are experiencing right now, but we also provide ongoing support to mitigate potential symptoms in the future.

Potential treatments include oral medications (either over the counter or prescription) to manage the histamine response. Some people also find relief from immunotherapy that helps to manage the symptoms during the months when seasonal allergies are the worst.

When to Talk to an Eye Doctor about Eye Allergies

Make sure to call an eye doctor right away if you are experiencing any of these symptoms

  • Chronic seasonal allergies that affect the eyes
  • Pain in the eye area
  • Blurred vision
  • Decreased vision
  • Feeling like there is an object or irritant in the eye

We are here to help you find relief! Schedule an appointment with our experienced eye care team for an eye exam and routine checkup.

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